Benefits of Black Pepper
Even though Sri Lanka caters to merely 2.5% of the global demand for pepper, Ceylon Pepper is rich in Piperine, which gives Ceylon Pepper its distinct pungency and a premium price in the global market driven by its plenitude of the alkaloid.
Research has highlighted many health and cosmetic benefits of Black Pepper. Main health benefits are, assisting weight loss, reduction of occurrence of cancer, stabilising blood sugar levels, reduction go gum inflammation and oral infections, managing blood cholesterol levels, Moreover, Piperine in pepper is a natural anti-depressant, and also improves brain health by reducing risks of degenerative brain diseases.
There are many cosmetic benefits as well. Piperine helps reducing early signs of ageing and reduces symptoms of vitiligo, the skin condition that loses natural pigmentation of the skin in selected areas.
In Sri Lanka, pepper has been used in its day to day cooking for time immemorial and an ingredient for many of the home remedies, which have been continued to date.
source: publication of Sri Lanka Export Development Board