Spiced News
Benefits of Black Pepper
Even though Sri Lanka caters to merely 2.5% of the global demand for pepper, Ceylon Pepper is rich in Piperine, which gives Ceylon Pepper its distinct pungency and a premium price in the global market driven by its plenitude of the alkaloid. -
Finest Quality Ceylon Pepper
Ceylon pepper is important in the world spice market due to its high piperine content, strong aroma and rich flavour. Sri Lanka is considered one of the leading producers of the best quality black pepper corns and has been a destination for top quality pepper corns since the turn of the history. -
What is 'Cinnamon Quill'
Cinnamon quill (or day-to day use 'cinnamon sticks) is the traditional way of presenting cinnamon, processed bark arranged in a cigar like formation. Well-cured smooth inner bark makes thinner quills. The quality of the cinnamon is measured by the diameter of the cinnamon quill. -
All Cinnamon are not the same - How to identify Ceylon (True) Cinnamon
You can visually identify Ceylon Cinnamon from the commonly available Cassia cinnamon, if you look at them carefully.
Ceylon cinnamon is tan brown in colour with thin paper like bark rolled up in multiple layers, easy to break and has adelicate sweet smell.
Where your cinnamon comes from
Taprobane Exotica premium quality Cinnamon comes from the beautiful island of Taprobane, also known as Serendib, Zeylan, Ceilao, Ceylon and now Sri...